operating systems
Webminstats is a module for webmin, and can, as this, work on any Unix system, in theory ... :)
In fact, some modules should work without big changes :
- disk
- filesopen
- internet
- mailq
- process
- users
and some others are very close to Linux kernel (use of /proc interface), so they need "some" work (contributors are welcome) to work on other Unix:
programs used (dependencies)
- rrdtool : this package is used to store data in round-robin files and compute the graphs: you need the core package and the perl interface (RRDs.pm)
- webmin : a powerful admin tool on a web interface
- Perl (/usr/bin/perl) : all the code is now written in Perl, the 5.6.x is needed
- some perl modules : File::Copy, File::Basename, POSIX, Cwd, English, CGI::Carp (in perl-CGI rpm package)
- tar : use gnu tar -z extension before 0.9.2 release
- cron service : is used for data aquisition
- lsof : is needed by the filesopen module
- snort : for snort module
- mysql : for mysql module
remark : webminstats use no more bash, since 0.9.0 release, for portability and performances.
optional but recommended
some perl modules are to be used
- perl-LWP : is used to check for new releases (as rpm package perl-libwww-perl on mandriva, as deb package libwww-perl on ubuntu, ...)
- Time::HiRes : to have a good stopwatch
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Page changed on 14 oct 2009